Sunday, January 1, 2012

lets start today

Its the second day of year of 2012,and in the deep hybernation of the night, somehow suddenly I got up up from nothing aside from sleep and breathing. A sense of urgency wrapping my still tired and sleepy head. Like this new year slapping me in the face like an alter ego , accusing me, incriminating me of what have must be done last year. Accused of dreaming high, but acting low, high ideals with low commitment. Now it tells me as early as its second day to pick up on what i've left behind. A large chunk of the undone list is writing. Something i've planned of doing for several years. In not being truthful and protecting myself, i may say that i've wrote some poems, some essays, started some short stories, and a blogg. But knowing what my plans are, these has not even reached ten percent of what i've envisioned to do in the past. These handful of works was not just written last year. And in being a believer of the power of thoughts through words, art through words, this a great ommission. So i start today the second day of the year, in the sleepiness of the night, in a place not my own, a computer not my own, in a password login i had to guess. My rational self keeps pounding me in the head that there are much more significant things i need to attend to, and rest and sleep is badly needed since start of work today is something i cannot escape, and rest and sleep is something i've managed to escape on my two days off. But this is important. As a marksmanship is to a sniper, as play time is to a child and as struggles is to life.

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